Has your RAM 1500 been having some suspension issues recently? Is your ride feeling a little bouncier than it once did? Hearing a noisy air compressor or one that's running way too long? Your car's suspension isn't just about comfort. It's a safety issue, too. A broken air suspension puts you and every other driver on the road at risk. You should fix your RAM suspension problems rather than ignore them.
Oh, and if you are like most and still searching for "Dodge RAM" it will interest you to know that Dodge RAM hasn't been used since 2010! Now the vehicle is simply referred to as a RAM. Anyway, back to the article. Before running off to the dealership, let's take a look at how you can check your truck for a bad suspension. Then, we'll take a look at what options you have for fixing it.
How To Check Your RAM 1500 For Suspension Problems
There are a few telltale signs of a bad air suspension. If your RAM is leaning to one side or sagging in the rear, you can skip this step. You are having Dodge RAM 1500 factory air suspension problems that you should fix. The same goes if you've noticed your truck doing the dreaded "nosedive." That's when you come to a stop and the rear of your RAM lifts up while the front end goes down. This is a surefire sign of suspension damage.
However, sometimes it's not as obvious. You might just notice that something feels off. Maybe you're feeling potholes and divots in the road more than you used to. Or you know your brakes are fine but your car's taking longer to stop than before. That's when you should perform the "bounce test" to check your suspension. Walk to each corner of your vehicle and push down as hard as you can. Watch as it comes back up. If it springs back up into place quickly, that corner is fine. On the other hand, if it bounces up and down or takes a long time to come up, you've got a bad suspension. If that's the case, it's time to start thinking about repairs.
Why You're Having Suspension Issues With Your RAM
Photo by Ruvim from Pexels
There are two likely reasons why your RAM 1500 might be having suspension problems. Neither of them has anything to do with how you drive. The first reason why is probably also probably one of the reasons why you bought the truck in the first place. The RAM is an absolute beast. Weighing in at well over 4500 pounds, your RAM puts a lot of stress on its suspension. As you put more miles on the car, many parts--including your suspension--will simply start to degrade.
The second reason, however, is where your RAM air suspension problems really get serious. Your truck came equipped with an air suspension. In its early days, this suspension did a wonderful job of holding up all that weight. You probably enjoyed the smooth ride that air suspension provided. But here's the problem with air suspensions: they just break down eventually. That smooth ride is made possible by a huge network of interconnected moving parts and electronics. Each individual component is a chance for something to go wrong. And because these parts all work together, one part going bad can have a chain reaction across the entire system. What all this means is that when it comes to air suspensions, a breakdown is inevitable.
Your Options For Fixing Your RAM 1500 Suspension Problems
That's the bad news. The good news is that you have a number of ways to fix your RAM 1500 suspension problems. If you take your car to the dealership, they will likely quote you a repair based on replacing worn-out components with new ones from the manufacturer. This is your most expensive option. These components are very expensive when they come from the manufacturer. Another option is to replace your worn-out air suspension parts with third-party manufacturer parts. This will certainly save you some money over the dealership. However, it's still pretty expensive. Something like the air compressor can set you back hundreds of dollars alone.
Plus, the biggest problem still remains: air suspension parts are going to wear out. Whether it's flexible rubber airbags that can crack and rot, or ride height sensors that simply just wear down over time, these parts just don't last. If you replace your old air suspension parts with new air suspension parts, you can also bet that your repairs aren't over. In fact, they're probably just beginning. Once one part wears out you can be sure that others are on the way. It can be hard to fork out big money at the auto repair shop knowing you'll probably be back soon.
A Better Way To Repair Your Suspension
Your air suspension headaches don't have to go on forever. In fact, you can end your RAM 1500 suspension problems once and for all for much cheaper than you'd think. Rather than pay big bucks to fight with your air suspension for the rest of your RAM's life, why not just get rid of the air suspension entirely? You can ditch that troublesome old air suspension in favor of a robust, long-lasting mechanical suspension. Not only that, you can do it for a fraction of what it would cost you to replace your air suspension components.
Here's how. Strutmasters has designed a suspension replacement kit just for your RAM 1500. Rather than flimsy rubber airbags, this kit sits your car on sturdy cold-wound steel springs. Each spring and strut has been perfectly tuned and rated for your truck, eliminating the need for computers and sensors. This kit also features a module that can turn off your suspension warning light. You'll still get a smooth, enjoyable ride that's comparable to your old air suspension, but for a fraction of the cost. You can replace all four wheels of your RAM's suspension for just $1,229. That's cheaper than it would cost you to replace just one of the air springs at the dealer.
2019-2024 Dodge Ram 1500 Air Suspension Conversion/Delete Kit (DR44F)
Convert Your Air Suspension To A Coil Spring Suspension. End Your Air Suspension Problems Forever... 2019-2024 Dodge Ram 1500 Air Suspension Conversion Kit. This is the perfect solution to your air suspension problems. Designed to be very affordable, you can… read more
Even better? These kits are designed to be a breeze to install. You can do it at home with just a few simple tools and one hour per wheel. Not that handy? You'll still save big on labor costs at the repair shop.
Ready To End Your RAM 1500 Suspension Issues Forever?
Say goodbye to that broken air suspension and get your RAM 1500 driving smoothly again for a fraction of the price! Want to make extra sure you're getting what you need? Just call our Suspension Experts at 866-317-1579. We'll make sure you're getting the right kit for your truck and we'll be happy to answer any questions you might have.
Shop our air suspension conversion kits online and get your RAM 1500 driving smoothly again for a fraction of the price!